Hash Hymnal

The best part of hashing is learning as many silly songs as you can. Here is just a small sample of popular hash songs. 

OFH3 Closing Circle Song

To the Tune of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up

We're no strangers to hashing,

You know the rules and so do I.

A full vessel is what I’m thinking of

You couldn’t get this for any better buy


We found trail with some flour and some feelings

Gotta make you understand

Old Frederick's never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you fall

Surely gonna make you call, "On-On!"

Never gonna leave you dry

Never gonna say goodbye

Maybe gonna lay a lie and false trail you

And if you ask me how I'm feeling

This circles gone on way-too-long!

Old Frederick's never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you fall

Surely gonna make you call, "On-On!"

Never gonna leave you dry

Never gonna say goodbye

Maybe gonna lay a lie and false trail you

Where Were You Last Week? 

Great song to sing to our long time no seers

Melody - Where Oh Where Were You Last Night (from Hee Haw)

Where, Oh Where were you last week?

Why did you make us hash all alone?

You Fat Lazy Bastards, You weren't even here.

So we fucked all the virgins and drank all the Beer. Down, Down, Drink it all Down

Drink it all Down, Drink all of that Beer

You Fat Lazy Bastards, You weren't even here.

So we fucked all the virgins and drank all the beer.

Shitty Trail

To the tune of the Mickey Mouse Theme song


Shitty Trail

It sucked!

Shitty Trail

It fucking sucked!

You mother fuckers laid a shitty trail.

I would rather drink my beer than hash your shitty trail.

S - H - I - T - T - Y T - R - A - I - L

Birthday Song 

Melody - Happy Birthday to You

Hashy birthday, fuck you,

Hashy birthday, fuck you,

Hashy birthday, fuck youuuuu,

Hashy birthday, fuck you.

Drink it down, down, down, down

Down Your Beer

Melody – Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Down, down, down your beer,

To pay for your crime.

Quit complaining about the taste,

There’s no spunk(cum) this time.

Heineken, Schmeineken

Quick Down-Down Chant

Heineken, Schmeineken

Fuck that shit!


What a wank! Alternate Version - Get A Life

Melody: William Tell Overture

What a wank

What a wank

What a wank

What a wank wank wank

What a wank

What a wank

What a wank

What a wank wank wank

Twenty Toes

Quick Down-Down Chant

There's A Game Call Twenty Toes

It's played all over town

The women play with ten toes up

And the men with ten toes down-down-down-down

We've Got Virgins

Song to sing to our new hasher

We’ve got Virgins

We’ve got Virgins

At our hash

At our hash

Gonna get ‘em drunked up

Gonna get ‘em fucked up

Up the ass!

Down the hatch! 

Drink it down-down-down-down-down-down…

She Likes It In The Kitchen 

Quick Down-Down Chant

She likes it in the kitchen,

She likes it in the kitchen,

She likes it in the kitchen,

Kitchen's code for butt!

Drink it down-down-down-down-down-down…

Dough, Ray, Me

To the tune of Do Re Mi from the Sound Of Music

Dough, the stuff that buys me beer
Ray, the guy who serves me beer
Me, the guy who drinks the beer
Far, a long long way for beer
So, I'll have another beer
La, la la la la la laaaa
Tea, no thanks I'll have some beer
Which brings us back to
Beer, beer, beer, beer

Drink it down-down-down-down

He's True Blue

Honor song

Here's to _ _ _ _ _, he's true blue,

He's a hasher thru and thru.

He's a piss pot, so they say.

Tried to get to heaven,

but he went the other way.

Drink it down-down-down-down

Here's To Brother Hasher

T the tune of Ach, Du Lieber Augustin

Here's to brother (or sister) hasher,

Brother hasher, brother hasher,

Here's to brother hasher,

May he chug-a-lug.

He's happy, he's jolly,

He's fucked up by golly,

Here's to brother hasher,

May he chug-a-lug.

So drink motherfucker,

Drink motherfucker,

Drink motherfucker,

Drink motherfucker,

Here's to brother hasher,

May he chug-a-lug.

Drink it down, down, down, down . . .

Beer Run

To the tune of Froggy Went a Courtin'

'B' double 'E' double 'R' 'U' 'N' Beer run!

'B' double 'E' double 'R' 'U' 'N' Beer run!

All we need is a ten and five-er,

Car and key and a sober driver,

'B' double 'E' double 'R' 'U' 'N' Beer run!

Hymn, Hymn

Short down-down chant

Hymn, Hymn,
Fuck Him

Drink it down-down-down-down

She’s A Harriette 

Honor song for a harriette

Oh, the wiggle of her ass would make a dead man cum,

And the nipples on her tits is as big as my thumb,

She's a mean motherfucker, she's a great cocksucker,

She's a Harriette,

and she goes down! …

Down, down, down, down,

Old Brown Cow

The old brown cow went

Thfpppt! up against the wall

Thfpppt! up against the wall

Thfpppt! up against the wall

The old brown cow went

Thfpppt! up against the wall

And now it's covered with shit, shit, shit

Why Are We Waiting? 

Melody - Come Let Us Adore Him

Why are we waiting,

Could be fornicating (masturbating, masticating, etc),

Oh, why are we waiting,

So fucking long, etc . .

You can learn more songs and tunes online, such as here: http://hash-hymnal.wikidot.com/ or http://half-mind.com/Songs/