Hareline & Hare Guide
We can't have a Hash without trail. If you want to Hare or want help with Haring, send an email to your hareraiser ichy.h3@gmail.com.
If you want to Hare and are curious about available dates and where we've had trail before so you don't re-use an area too soon, or if you want to boldy go where we haven't gone before, check out OFH3 Trails and Trail Count file.

Hare Guide
So ya wanna show us a good time, eh? If you read the hare guide, this will go better than the last time you tried to show someone a good time...
Location: Trail should be within 20 - 25 miles from the center of Frederick (ie. within a half hour driving). If there is a special theme/circumstance or a really awesome trail worth being outside of the area, talk to your hareraiser.
Beverage Check and End Circle: Hares are responsible for beverages and light snacks at Beer Check and at the On-In/End Circle.
Please make note of attendance on the event page and plan accordingly to have enough brews for everyone on trail; however, not everyone uses facebook or RSVPs and for special events that draw people from different kennels, expect more people to come than those that RSVP.
Don't forget to provide water on trail, especially during hot summer months.
For every $5 collected as hash cash, hares will be reimbursed $4
As always, we’re hashers not trashers. Please be sure to work in a way to recover all beverage check supplies along trail. Garbage bags would also be encouraged incase trail is ending in a place without trash cans.
Laying Trail: Hares can pre-lay, live lay, or a combination of both. For OFH3 sign in starts at 10:30am, hares away at 11am, and hash away at 11:15.
Walkers Trail should be roughly 2-3 miles; Runners trail should be roughly 3 - 6 miles. More importantly, trail should not take more than an hour and a half.
Check out the OFH3 Glossary for marks
Make it fun: come up with a cool theme to tie into trail. See the trail details template below for examples!
Send your hareraiser them deets: Send the following information to your hareraiser at ichy.h3@gmail.com AT LEAST ONE WEEK before trail:
OFH3 Trail [###] – [THEME – include a fun theme like that you might be able to tie into trail like National Cuddle Day (bring your cuddle buddy to trail!), National Hot Dog Day (on-after will include hot dogs!), Back to School (dress like a school girl!), etc.
Description: [1) Align this to the theme of the event ex. If it’s National Cuddle Day, bring your cuddle buddy to trail, It’s National Hot Dog Day, on-after will include hot-dogs, If it’s Back to school, dress like a school girl! Etc. 2) Include any fun details about trail and what you’re planning]
Hares: [you!]
When: Saturday, [Month, Day, Year]
Time: 1030 Sign-in, 11am Hares away, 11:15 pack away
Where: [Start location and any details about where to find us ex. Meet behind (address), park on the street in front of X]
Hash Cash: $5
Trail Type: [A-A, A-A prime, A-B (you must plan bag vehicle if A-B)]
Distances: Walker’s Trail [should be 2-3 miles]; Runner’s Trail [should be 3-6 miles]
Shiggy Rating (1-10): [1 = straight pavement, 5 = getting your feet wet, some woods, etc. ; 10 = straight jungle]
Notes: [think about what the hounds might need to be prepared for trail: Is there a long dark tunnel and we need headlamps? Will we get our feet wet? Is there a plethora of poison ivy on trail?]