Welcome to Western Maryland's first and finest kennel (probably) since 2000

Where do we run/hike? Somewhere around Frederick, MD!

When do we run/hike? Every second Saturday of the month at 11am!

Why do we run/hike? Because we like trail and beer!

Next Trail

OFH3 Trail #377 - TBD

Description: TBD

Hares: Special Ed Forces

When: Saturday, August 10, 2024

Time: 10:30 sign-in, 11:00 hares away, 11:15 pack away

Where: TBD

Hash Cash: $5

Trail Type: TBD

Distances:  TBD

Shiggy rating (1-10):  TBD

Notes:  TBD

On-After: TBD

Trail on Deck

OFH3 Trail #378 - September OFH3 Trail

Description: TBD

Hares: Super Soaker & Palm Pilot

When: Saturday, September 14, 2024

Time: 10:30 sign-in, 11:00 hares away, 11:15 pack away

Where: TBD

Hash Cash: $5

Trail Type: TBD

Distances:  TBD

Shiggy rating (1-10):  TBD

Notes:  TBD

On-After: TBD

The Hash House Harriers is a worldwide group of runners who enjoy following a trail that runs over hill and dale, through muck and mire, singing some songs, and drinking some beer along the way. And some more beer at the end.